Newsletter January 17, 2025
/Social Media: A Love-Hate Relationship
Hey friends,
Social media—it’s everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok (which I don’t even use)—they’re practically life’s new necessities. Twenty years ago, who would’ve thought we’d be glued to a tiny screen, spying on people we haven’t seen in decades? Yet here we are. Do I really care what your dog ate for breakfast or how your kid’s soccer game went? Nope. But I look anyway!
Let’s be real, social media is like a sneaky little trap. I used to scroll endlessly and feel all the feels—envy, comparison, you name it. I’d see someone’s perfect vacation pic and think, “Wow, must be nice,” or “At least I’m not wearing that outfit.” These apps are designed to suck us in and mess with our emotions, just like Frankenstein’s monster—but shinier.
Even scarier? A doctor on my podcast said kids who lose screen time react like they’re coming off heroin. HEROIN! Back in my day, we didn’t know who was having a party we weren’t invited to, and we were better off for it. Today’s kids are scrolling instead of creating, watching instead of imagining. Creativity has turned into a TikTok trend.
I’ve been there, too. When I started my podcast, I craved likes and comments. But now I know my worth isn’t measured in followers or analytics—it’s in doing what I love and helping just one person. Sure, big numbers would be nice (hello, sponsors!), but I’m not about to sell my soul to the social media devil.
God has a plan. Life is beautiful, but we miss it when we’re too busy living vicariously through someone else’s highlight reel. Put down the phone. Hug your family. Pet your dog. Or just sit quietly and enjoy being you.
Live your life, not someone else’s.
Big hugs and love,