Episode 247 It's our thinking....
/It's our thinking...
Today you just have me no guests.
I thought it was going to be short, but I was wrong...
What I talk about amongst other things is:
Is our judgement, right? Not most of the time. We don't know what is good or bad. Coming from an alcoholic brain is different, we change our minds a lot. Realizing that change isn't bad or good it just happens.
Prior to doing anything we have to fall in love with ourselves and that takes time and a plan.
Please listen and If you like what you see/hear please subscribe.
Don’t give up till the miracle happens
Please email me rather than communicating on social media that would be awesome!
bizzy@busylivingsober.com or elizabeth@elizabethchance.com
Remember you are not alone and please reach out!!!!
Until next time keep getting busy living sober.
XX Bizzy