Episode 189 Kate Russell author of Down the Rabbit Hole
/Kate Russell
Episode 189 Kate Russell and I talk about Kate's journey in recovery, ironically or a God wink Kate celebrated 9 years of continuous sobriety the day we spoke! I think it was meant to be!
Kate is passionate about her recovery and finding herself.
Kate was an abused child of alcoholics, who became an addict myself, then got sober. She has been sober 9 years now and have written a memoir, "Down the Rabbit Hole," that chronicles my journey, specifically exploring the triggered state and examining how to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of one's mind.
Kate speaks of God working in her life and all of the gifts she has received due to putting down the drink.
We hope you can relate to Kate's story and find some inspiration to help you on your journey to getting busy living sober. Here is a link to Kate's book: https://www.amazon.com/Down-Rabbit-Hole-Addiction-Recovery-ebook/dp/B08785R8S6/ref=sr_1_14? crid=YXV4246WBKUU&dchild=1&keywords=down+the+rabbit+hole&qid=1595874374&sprefix=down+the+%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-14
Thanks again Kate for coming on.
Please reach out with any questions or comments to Bizzy@busylivingsober.com.
Until next time keep getting busy living sober
XX Bizzy