Episode 188- pick up the phone
/Sometimes the phone is so heavy…but still pick it up!
Podcast 188
When I came into the program I was desperate! I needed a new way of life...my life wasn't working.
One drink wasn't enough, and neither was 47 drinks!
I was so sick and tired of pretending that everything was ok! I was desperate enough to finally surrender, wave the white flag and ask for help. I realized how much I needed other people, I learned how to reach out and ask for help even though it was very uncomfortable.
Today if I am stuck playing the same thoughts over and over again I can't be free unless I either write the thoughts or tell someone.
We need each other...we cannot do this thing called life alone.
Please reach out you are not alone...bizzy@busylivingsober.com
Until next time keep getting busy living sober.
XX Bizzy