Episode 399: Breaking Barriers with Hilary Phelps: Embracing Authenticity and Overcoming Shame
/Hilary Phelps
I am thrilled to be able to share my informative and inspirational conversation with Hilary Phelps, yes, her brother is Olympian Michael. She is an absolute warrior and I feel so blessed to call her a friend today.
Hilary Phelps journey is one of remarkable resilience and profound transformation. A standout achiever from a young age, excelling academically and earning recognition as the nation's fastest swimmer in her age group, her life took an unexpected turn at 14 with the onset of a 15-year battle with addiction. At 29, Hilary took a courageous step towards healing by entering rehab, marking a pivotal moment of change in her life. Beyond giving up alcohol, her journey involved a profound transformation, distancing herself from negative influences, and confronting the underlying issues behind her addiction. For years, Hilary kept her story of sobriety private, a personal victory. However, after celebrating 15 years of continuous sobriety in June 2022, she recognized the power of sharing her experiences.
Today, she is more than a survivor; she is an inspiration—a speaker, addiction recovery advocate, writer, and holistic wellness coach dedicated to helping women find their voices and overcome obstacles. Based in Arlington, Virginia, Hilary continues to spread her message through public speaking, coaching, and public relations work, embodying the strength of her own journey.
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To Reach Hilary Phelps
Email: hilary@hilaryphelps.com
Phone +12023605591 Mobile
Text +12023605591
LinkedIn hilary-phelps-6143695
Instagram @HilaryPhelps_
X @HilaryPhelps
Hilary is also Introducing 'The Right Room' - A Journey to Authenticity and Empowerment. 'The Right Room', our 12-week elite coaching program. This initiative is not just a program; it's a testament to the power of personal transformation.
To learn more
Thank you again Hilary for coming on Busy Living Sober.
Always remember, you're not alone! Live life one day at a time!
You've got this!
Happy Holidays!
With love,
Elizabeth aka Bizzy