Episode 279- Don't Give UP!!!!

Keep going…..

When life gets hard how many people just throw up their hands?  Just give up!

I have done this on many occasions! My kids sometimes remind me that Mom look at all of those things that you have started and when it gets hard you walked away!

That is true!

My marriage, starting businesses and starting another business…. The real deal is that my head talks me out of it! YES, MY HEAD! It lies to us our psyche’….


Please reach out with any questions or if you need some support.

Reach out to someone to help you! You are not alone!!!

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Don’t give up till the miracle happens

Please email me rather than communicating on social media that would be awesome!

 bizzy@busylivingsober.com or elizabeth@elizabethchance.com

Remember you are not alone and please reach out!!!!

Until next time keep getting busy living sober.

XX Bizzy