Episode 171- Dr. Carder Stout PhD and author of Lost in Ghost Town
/Dr Carder Stout PhD
I was thrilled to have Dr. Carder Stout PhD and author of Lost in Ghost Town: A Memoir of Addiction, Redemption and Hope in Unlikely Places.
Carder and I talk about his road to recovery. What it was like, what happened and what it is like now. Carder was raised in Georgetown not wanting for anything and found himself living in Venice Beach at the mercy of his addiction.
Carder and I had so much in common and that is what I love about sobriety it is what we relate to that binds us.
We have a disease that has no boundaries. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.
Please reach out with any questions or comments to Bizzy@busylivingsober.com
You are never alone.
#Sobernotashamed #busylivingsober #carderstout #lostinghosttown #onedayatatime #thereisasolution #reachout
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