Recovery Tips For Professionals: Seeking Help Without Harming Your Career

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We are thrilled to welcome Eva Benoit our first guest blog contributor. She has some great tips that we hope you find beneficial. 

About 6 years ago,  Eva Benoit left her job as an office manager to pursue being a life, career, and overall wellness coach. She specializes in helping professionals with stress and anxiety, but welcomes working with people from all walks of life. She works with her clients to discover and explore avenues that will bring them balance, peace, and improved overall well-being that can last a lifetime. Her website is 

For many professionals, it takes a lot of time, sacrifice, and hard work to move up the ladder within a business. When substance abuse becomes an issue, it can be extremely stressful to think about how you will find a successful path to recovery without it damaging your career and all the hard work you’ve put into it. That stress--along with anxiety, symptoms of depression, and other mood disorders--can lead to more substance abuse, perpetuating a cycle that is overwhelming and seemingly impossible to get out of.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help your career stay on track even while you seek help for an addiction. From being open about your decision to find sobriety to focusing on maintaining your relationships and support system, you can find the help you need without worrying about it affecting your career. Educating yourself on your rights in the workplace is important as well.

Keep reading for some great tips on how to get started.

Be open

It’s always better to be open about a major life decision than it is to try to hide things from your employer. Talk to your boss about your decision to seek help, especially if you think you may need inpatient treatment, and go over what your options are for taking time off work. You don’t have to give any details you aren’t comfortable with, but letting your superiors know what you’re going through will help them assist you when it comes to sorting out medical leave.

Find the right treatment

There are so many different treatment options out there; there’s no one right way to head toward recovery, so do some research on facilities and counselors to get an idea of what you want. Some facilities are specifically geared toward professionals who need to maintain a presence at work, which would alleviate some stress when it comes to figuring out medical leave and protecting your privacy. Go here for some great info on treatment options.

Learn how to manage stress and anxiety

One of the most difficult things about seeking help with an addiction is learning how to control stress, since it can contribute so heavily to substance abuse. Look for the biggest stress inducers in your life, and think of ways to reduce them or cope with them in healthy ways. For instance, if your main source of stress is financial, consider creating a budget that will be easy to stick to for your family. Get organized, both at home and at work, and reduce clutter in all the spaces you spend the most time in. You might also consider practicing yoga and meditation, as they can help you learn to cope with negative feelings and turn them away.

Garner support

Having a strong circle of support is imperative when it comes to seeking help for an addiction. Having someone on your side who will root for you when you feel overwhelmed will help you stay motivated and empowered. Talk to your closest friends and family members about your decision to get help, and map out a plan for recovery that will hold you accountable.

Going into recovery without harming the career that you’ve worked so hard for can be overwhelming, so it’s important to take things slowly and think hard about your decisions before acting on them. With support and patience, you can get healthy and make better choices, which will have long-reaching positive consequences. Remember to practice self-care during this time and reduce stress as much as possible.